What is The Jungle?

Welcome to our virtual group mentorship program for wedding planners started in 2020, created & hosted by yours truly to help guide you through *the jungle* that is the wedding industry.

Corrina Walker Photography

Here is the truth – When I first started my wedding planning business, I had no idea what I was doing. I mean, I thought I knew, but it was harder back then to get actual information/data on the wedding industry in Canada, and I had some experience but not enough to feel completely confident in taking on the huge clients & magazine-worthy weddings I dreamed of. Even armed with a degree in business, I still didn’t feel fully prepared for the entrepreneurial life ahead of me. Also, there were not as many resources available where I could double check if I was doing things right or wrong anyways… (Not too many people were willing to open up their production schedules & business ops for me 11 years ago!)

Starting a sustainable business in the wedding industry is not easy, or nearly as glamorous as people think. It’s an incredibly fragmented industry with low barriers to entry and very high client expectations, and there is very little industry information available to help you research or even use as a benchmark for growth. Plus, the landscape is constantly changing, especially in the face of COVID19. So, how do you start, grow, or manage a sustainable wedding planning business? How do you know if you’re doing things right or making huge mistakes?

Is there any other way to be successful in this industry outside of trial & error? 

Yes, there is…Welcome to the JUNGLE. It’s taken me about 13 years to find the map to this place, and I can be your guide. That is why I started this group program & decided to open up my doors; To help you through the trying & difficult stages of launching and growing your business; To shed light on your process & systems to make you more successful and confident;

This is an adaptation of my previous private mentorship program, where you get all of the benefits of 1-on-1 mentoring, plus a community feel in a group setting which makes the opportunity of mentorship extremely affordable & honestly, more fun – It’s really a win-win!

How does it work?

One Group Zoom Call per Month // (October – March) This is the time to ask me any question you can think of as it relates to your business, and learn from other’s questions too! I will not hold back on my answers & we will learn together as a group. Each month with have a focus topic to that we can make sure we’re deep diving into each important topic together without missing a thing.

In between calls, you will have access to a Private Facebook Group, moderated by me to ask questions between calls and connect with others in the group. It’s only wedding planners here, no clients, no vendors – Just us, so – We will all have your back in a safe place to ask questions and get honest answers. Let’s bounce ideas around. Let’s connect. And let’s grow. These individuals will all be in the same boat as you, and those connections are invaluable – Speaking from experience!

Customized Curriculum to make sure everyone is getting the most out of each mentorship session. I have listed general topics below, but this will be adjusted as a group as needed!

How much does it cost?

This year, you have 2 options:

The Full Safari – 6 months of mentorship, you’re all in and this is where you’ll get the most bang for your buck – $127/Month

You will also get a downloadable Workbook, Lists & Templates I’ve created to guide you along the absolute “musts” of running a business in the wedding industry. These are the questions that I need every person I mentor to feel comfortable with in their business, and probably the most burning questions you have – So I’m going to beat you to the punch and not waste a whole call explaining “The Basics”. For example – How do you set your prices? What should a timeline look like? I’ll show you a sample timeline & production schedule. And more…. These are the FUNDAMENTALS.

The Flex Plan – If you want a little flexibility, you can pick and choose what months you’d like to attend without needing to commit. Plus, you’ll still get access to the facebook group! If you don’t like it, you can opt out any time – SIMPLE. AFFORDABLE. EASY. – $147/Session

…This is *so* affordable considering private mentorship runs at $350/ Session!

BONUS– For those opting in at the Full Safari Level – If you pay in full, you will receive a complimentary 30 minute private mentorship session to use at any point in your 6 month mentorship program!

…And a special shout out to all my previous Jungle Members – Any returning members joining in at the Full Safari Level are eligible to receive your choice of either 15% off their membership OR a complimentary 30 minute private mentorship session (And yes, you can get 2 x 30 min sessions if you also decide to pay in full! Double Up!)

Each zoom call will be on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from October to March, in the evening at 8:00pm MST and last about 1-1.5 hours depending on how many questions we have in a night! If you can’t make the session, don’t worry – they will be recorded and you can submit questions in advance.

Current dates/curriculum are set as follows, but is subject to change based on group preferences:

October 12 – The Essentials of Wedding Planning – Solid Timelines, Flawless Production Schedules, Systems and Software to keep you Sane

November 9 – The Business I – Marketing, Structure, and Pricing Yourself Fairly

December 14 – Wedding Design & Decor – Best Practices & Elevating Spaces through Simple, Meaningful Touches

January 11 – The Business II – Growing your team, and Your Business

February 8 – Luxury Client Management & Building Your Process

March 8 – Vendor Symposium – Managing Vendors & Steering the Ship towards a Successful Wedding Day

Claim your place in our tribe today. Let’s do this thing. (*Insert jungle roar!*)



Pick One


Did you submit the form? GREAT – Now, here is how this is going to go:

  1. We will reach out to you to confirm your place within 1 business day!
  2. You’ll be sent an intake questionnaire so that I can understand the needs of everyone in the group, where you’re starting from, and your goals from mentorship
  3. You will be invited to the private facebook group where all the details, announcements, and awesome resources & high fives await you!


Got this far…And STILL not sure if this is for you? Here is what our last Jungle members LOVED about their experience… 

” I have loved getting to know people in the industry! It’s amazing to see everyone helping eachother and bouncing ideas off one another. It really helped me understand the industry and confirmed why I am on this path.”

“The openness and candid answers from Julianne, as well as everyone in the group. It’s been so valuable learning more about back end processes, pricing, contracts, and client care”

“I LOVE getting insight from someone who has been through it all and done it successfully! I have benefitted so much from this…”

“I have loved the opportunity to speak up and ask questions in a smaller group which is more comfortable than other FB groups or chats where you have a lot of experienced vendors!”

“Overall this has helped my confidence as a business owner and wedding planner the most. It’s just been so helpful to have someone to ask questions to!”

And lastly, I’m here for you – You can reach out anytime and ask questions, email me at info@julianneyoungweddings.com and I’ll be happy to discuss if this is the right fit for you!